Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Vision & Values

Our School Vision:
"Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom"

Our vision is to provide our children with an education that will empower them to become the best they can be. All pupils will leave our school having received a broad, balanced and inclusive education that not only prepares them for future success, but also promotes a deeper understanding of the world around them.

Our mission statement:

At Hampton Vale Primary Academy, we strongly believe that all of our children are entitled to an education which will empower them to become the best they can be. The DFE asks schools ‘to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation for all schools to promote the fundamental British values of individual liberty, the rule of law, democracy, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’ With these values rooted in what we do, it is therefore our aim that our children will leave our school knowing, believing and living our strong core values: integrity, liberty, empathy, challenge, respect, resilience, equality and leadership.

Our Values
Integrity Liberty
Empathy Challenge
Respect Resilience
Diversity Leadership

Our children understand the importance of caring about each other, the community in which they live, both locally and globally, as well as the need to protect and preserve the environment for future generations. As part of our development of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Culture (SMSC) values, we recognise and celebrate our differences of cultures, religions and backgrounds, knowing that although we are all unique, together all equally important and the same.

Our bespoke, broad and balanced curriculum recognises the importance of each and every subject. From the moment our children enter the school and are issued with their own Hampton Vale Passport, they are taken on a journey around the world through the subjects they learn and the inspiring learning environments they encounter. We know that we all have different talents, interests and abilities which is why our curriculum allows our children to experience a broad range of subjects where everyone will thrive. When we encounter difficulties, the importance of resilience is highlighted and celebrated. 

Education is a journey and Hampton Vale's approach to teaching is informed by a breadth of research around the science of learning. This, in collaboration with our core beliefs, provides the stage for excellence and high standards of achievement, as well as fully preparing children for the next step in their educational career. 

Through our high expectations, children are challenged academically and creatively, developing a lifelong love of learning. Children are at the heart of everything we do.