
If you require a paper copy of a policy please contact Miss Hunter by emailing office@hvp.org.uk.

  1. Allergy and Anaphylaxis Policy
  2. Anti-Bullying Policy
  3. Anti Fraud Policy
  4. Assessment and Feedback Policy
  5. Attendance Policy
  6. Behaviour Policy
  7. Complaints Policy
  8. Critical Incident Policy
  9. Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy
  10. Designated Teacher for Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children (LAC)
  11. Early Years Foundation Stage Policy
  12. Equality and Diversity Policy
  13. Equality and Duty Statement
  14. Exclusions Policy
  15. First Aid Policy
  16. Freedom of Information Policy
  17. GDPR Policy
  18. GDPR Privacy Notice Learners
  19. GDPR Privacy Notice Staff
  20. Addendum to Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
  21. HVPA Admission Policy Sept 2023
  22. HVPA Admission Policy Sept 2024
  23. ICT Staff Policies
  24. Induction of Early Career Teacher Policy (ECT)
  25. Intimate Care Policy
  26. Keeping Children Safe In Education - September 2022
  27. Legionella Policy
  28. Lettings Policy
  29. Medical Conditions - Appendix to MAT Policy
  30. Medical Conditions Appendix 1 - IHCP
  31. Medical Conditions Appendix 2 - Medication Plan
  32. Medical Conditions Appendix 3 - Asthma Card
  33. Medical Conditions Appendix 4 - Temporary Medication Form
  34. Medical Conditions Policy Part 1
  35. Medical Conditions Policy Part 2
  36. Model Responding to Prejudice Related Incidents Policy
  37. Parent/Carer Conduct
  38. Pay Policy
  39. PE and Performing Arts Provision Policy
  40. Prevent Policy
  41. Privacy Notice Staff
  42. Relationships and Sex Policy Primary
  43. Remote /Lone Worker Policy
  44. Security Policy
  45. Single Central Record
  46. Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy
  47. Staff Dress Code Policy
  48. Staff Wellbeing Policy
  49. Student Uniform Policy
  50. Trips and Visits Policy
  51. DRAFT - Charging and Remissions Policy
  52. Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
  53. Safeguarding Policy
  54. Whistleblowing Policy